When: 09-11.10.2024 (Wed-Fri), 10:00 - 18:00
Where: Salzufer 13-14, 10587 Berlin
Workshop Tutor: Fang Tsai, Anastasia Putsykina, with support from Eman Safavi Bayat & Aron Petau.
Registration for UdK-students: This workshop is open for Room to Expand participants, please contact the festival organizer Prof. Mathilde Ter Heijne for more details on Room to Expand Festival: terheijne@udk-berlin.de
Body as Interface: Motion Tracking workshop with TouchDesigner & Kinect Azure at Room to Expand Festival
Building on last semester’s Capturekit x Streamingkit workshop offered by InKüLe, this semester InKüLe offers this workshop to welcome all Room to Expand participants. We will focus especially on the Azure Kinect motion capture device and all its potential.
How can we control digital systems without a keyboard and mouse, using our bodies as real-time controllers for audio and visual experiences? What do different gestures signify in the digital world?
This workshop invites both students familiar and unfamiliar with body movement to explore the potential of motion tracking in performances, installations, and more. Using the software TouchDesigner, participants will experiment with Azure Kinect’s capabilities. We will begin with an introduction to TouchDesigner and move into hands-on implementation with the Azure Kinect.
By the end of the workshop, participants will collaborate to create and present a mini-project that applies the skills they have learned.